
You have 1 whole month to try out our matching and collaboration services. You can start as an entrepreneur of your Talents or as an entrepreneur of your Ideas. Or take both paths at the same time.

Discover your motivation

Understand what gives you energy and how to contribute at your best in a team. A quick questionnaire allows you to make a leap of self-awareness that will be useful forever.

Discover how to grow your Talents

Explore your uniqueness

Pinpoint the talent mix that makes you unique. Enter the matching algorithm with your Unique Talent Code that includes all your skills and passions.

Connect with best matching projects

Browse the list of projects chosen by our algorithm and connect with the ones you prefer. There will be at least one that pursues the impact you want to create.

Collaborate with your new team

Get to know your project team members with the built-in communication application and explore collaboration options. You decide freely with the team how much and how you will work together.

Discover how to realise your Idea

Bring your project to life

Follow the guided to make an appealing description of your idea. Learn how to design a strong team by selecting the skills and passions you need. The matching algorithm takes care of the rest.

Meet new teammates

Explore the short list of top 50 matching talents and invite the most interesting profiles to connect. Collaborate with your team using the built-in communication APP.

Grow together with our community

Benefit from meeting with similar projects and co-create new synergies. Join one or more 'archipelagos' and share your talents with peers who are becoming entrepreneurs like you.
logo talento

I have a Talent

Quarterly subscription for €10/month

VAT included

for 3 months

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Freely explore all the services on the platform


for 1 month

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I have an Idea

Quarterly subscription for €15/month

VAT included

for 3 months

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