Our services

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I have a Talent

Quarterly subscription for €10/month

VAT included

for 3 months

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for 1 month

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I have an Idea

Quarterly subscription for €15/month

VAT included

for 3 months

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Additional options

Talent Card Deck

  • Use our 40 Talents card deck aligned to our Motivation Drivers test in coaching or team building activities
  • Available in English, Italian and Dutch
  • Easy to understand and play with the instructions you can download below
Instructions (EN)
Istruzioni (IT)
Prices include standard delivery to: BE, DE, FR, ES, IR, IT, NL, UK. Prices do not include VAT.
23 €

Live Coaching

  • Enjoy a 60’ live video call with our talent experts and team builders
  • Available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
  • You will be contacted by e-mail by one of our coaches to schedule your session or you can request a direct contact to get more information
46 €

Create an Archipelago

  • You can start a new eco-system around your current idea and create a project network to share talents and exploit synergies
  • You will receive 50% discount on our yearly “Grow your Ideas” subscription for any additional projects you bring in your network
  • Simply complete the request form and you will receive your personal discount code